Exceptions ========== The ``m209`` library defines an exception hierarchy, rooted at the ``M209Error`` class. These exceptions are briefly described below. .. class:: m209.M209Error() The base exception in the hierarchy. It inherits from the built in Python ``Exception`` class. .. class:: m209.drum.DrumError() Inherits from :class:`~m209.M209Error`. This exception is used to report drum related errors. .. class:: m209.key_wheel.KeyWheelError() Inherits from :class:`~m209.M209Error`. This exception is used to report key wheel related errors. .. class:: m209.keylist.generate.KeyListGenError() Inherits from :class:`~m209.M209Error`. This is public exception, used to report errors during the key list generation process. .. class:: m209.procedure.ProcedureError() Inherits from :class:`~m209.M209Error`. This is public exception, used to report errors during :class:`~m209.procedure.StdProcedure` operations.